Let it Be Love that guides you, that wills you, that fortifies you and informs you.
Let it Be Love that circumvents all time and has you stand in the newness of every moment.
Let it Be Love that calls you home from guilt and fear.
Let it Be love that carves the pathway where you no longer are a stranger to yourSELF.
Let it Be Love that answers all questions and quells all doubts of past and future.
Let it Be Love that gently undoes the Ego.
Let it Be Love that reminds you that you stand in eternity as the very gift that Love has given itSELF.
There is only ONE truth and that truth is Love Let it Be Love that reminds you that there is only Love.
Love is the only action worth taking, the only knowledge worth knowing and the only truth worth living.
Read more at: http://undoing-the-ego.org/stacyblog/